Name and address of the ascendant when acting as a document recorder or stamp seller (with indication of the relationship) on the day of application The registration fee for rental contracts in Rajasthan is calculated at 1% of the value. Imagecredit: Poste Staff My apartment is located on the 7th floor in Mahima Iris-1st. I want to know the current rate of DLC for the same. I searched on`s website, but the old prices are shown, but the current prices are not displayed. Please help me. 11-month lease agreement: Among one of the most common types of rentals, this contract is usually still used for residential real estate. The duration of this contract is 11 months, as the name suggests, the renewal option to depend on the wishes of both parties. Registration and certification are usually not rendered for this agreement. Rajasthan is the state that normally uses the following types of rental:- (e) Description of the stamps for sale under the license.

the granting of stamp duty on leases issued following the regularisation provided for in section 90-A by the Land Government, ULBs or state-owned enterprises, (i) stamps bearing the word “Rajasthan”; and rental contract for 1-5 years: 0.1% of the DCL rate or the market value of the property, if a centered property is given by the father to his sons, which is the stamp payment is 2.5% or 5% Until now, people who prepare rental contracts have had to pay a maximum of Rs 500 for buildings of all sizes and regardless of the duration of the contract. Landlords and tenants had to pay a little more for notarized..