A delivery plan is a long-term framework contract between the supplier and the customer. This is done through predefined material or a service provided on predefined dates, within a already agreed period. A delivery plan can be created in the next two steps – Press F3 or to return to the main screen. Go to > incompletence protocol edition or Ctrl+F8 to see if the delivery plan that was just created is complete. Open an incompetence protocol for a delivery plan If the quantity in the grading positions exceeds the target quantity, the system issues an alert message. If the customer needs it, you can process invoices periodically, for example once a month. All deliveries due for the supporting document are grouped together in a group invoice. There are two ways to start developing a delivery plan: here the Ship-to Party A7000 has two deliveries that oppose the delivery number 30000053 we previously created. These deliveries are due on 4 November 2016 and 10 November 2016 respectively.

In the delivery plan, delivery plans are similar to volume contracts, as they are agreements between the customer and your company to order certain quantities of a product. However, while quantity contracts do not contain delivery dates for materials, delivery plans do. You can see here that in the Net Worth field in the head of the delivery plan no value has been updated: Net Value is zero contract The contract is a draft contract and does not contain any delivery date for the material.