We had a bit of a WordPress hiccup that required help from the administrator managing the site and between vacations and work schedules and weddings it took a bit to get it all fixed up. But it’s done! We’re back!
The updates to WordPress have messed up the formatting somewhat. I’ll be looking to tweak it over the next little while so expect some layout changes.
Hi folks, if you’re wondering why comics have been a bit off schedule this past couple of weeks — we had company visiting from out of town and I’ve had to do a large scale software upgrade for the company I worked for. Between the two, I’ve had little time to work on the comic.
Both are behind me now though! Expect a comic later this week and then a return to the normal Tuesday & Friday comic schedule!

The first Space Pawdyssey comic was originally published to this site late in the evening on July 15th, 2016 and featured Lex and Toby!
The Space Pawdyssey tumblr page was first established July 10th with the first character concept drawing — Felix — being posted not long after.

This past week included a late night software deployment, my last day working for WW, Valentine’s Day and Family Day. I took some much needed time to decompress and hang out with my husband.
That means Space Pawdyssey will be a little late this week and there will likely be just the one comic. On a positive note, since I no longer work for WW, my Saturdays are now freed up. This will allow me to spend a bit more time on other things (including the comic) going forward!
No Friday comic this week. I had an incident of fraud against my Paypal account that left me scrambling for a couple of days getting things in order. I ended up closing the linked bank account too which meant contacting payroll for my two other jobs, insurance, etc to switch to the new account. Also left me with two fairly sleepless evenings.
Spent last night with friends — first time in three weeks (since Fred and I had to go through quarantine due to his travel)
It’s been AGES since I’ve missed a page so I don’t feel tooooo bad. Stay tuned though! This arc is almost done and then some new stories.
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