If you’re new to Space Pawdyssey, welcome! Space Pawdyssey is published Tuesday and Friday each week!
Space Pawdyssey was created as a means for me to improve my drawing and give me a creative outlet. It’s still rough, but I’m hoping you can see improvements as the comic goes. Please enjoy, spots and all!
There’s some bonus content being worked on at the moment for Inktober — “Lex and Toby’s Story” — a fairly rough black and white comic done by hand on my lunch breaks to flesh out some backstory. It’s available on Tumblr at the moment but it will soon be posted in full on one of the pages here:
Space Pawdyssey is also on Twitter and Facebook:
I also have a Patreon account. Patreon supporters get early previews of the comic (or extras like full resolution comics, physical copies of comics, etc) depending on support level. Patreon funds help go towards getting the comic printed.
Speaking of which, I’m hoping to get issue #1 printed by end of year.
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